双担粉 拒绝捧一踩一




感谢transcript…… 我还以为是我心大,看了文字版发现并不是啊。就,俺不能算jewnicorn粉,纯粹从语言的角度小心翼翼地提供一些客观安慰——他没说他们俩不再联系了啊……实际上,他话里反而侧面肯定了还联系啊……提问观众问的问题是Jesse是不是跟Andrew 交流演漫画角色的事,然后Jesse的回答是:不是特别地,不是关于这个特别的话题,但是是的(我们交流/talk的),更多的是关于一起出去喝杯咖啡(根据语言习惯和语境,a coffee也可以是一次喝咖啡的经历或某种特别的咖啡,此处无语境,根据我个人的理解和经验应该是一起喝咖啡可能性比较大)或类似的事情……

就,还一起约着喝咖啡呢,不是挺好的么,怎么就……哀鸿遍野了Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ 夏令营的比喻,真的挺美好的,尤其在这个毕业季/夏令营季。我大哥大嫂就初二还是初三的奥数夏令营认识的咧,相处俩礼拜,分开四五年,再见面都认不出了。现在孩子马上就要小学毕业23333

【放三次元……欧美背景,真心这种关系很难得了,我要是有几年前跟我合作过一个几个月的项目、不住一个城市/国家、偶尔出差过来给我打个电话约我喝杯咖啡的前同事,绝对是要划进“朋友”范围的;要是再有点共同爱好(e.g."我们俩都搞舞台剧"),绝对就得是时不常惦念一下那种朋友了……真的……不用想着下船沉船游到小岛上搞夏令营什么的啊……(~ ̄▽ ̄)~】



Audience:"Ragarding of the social nextwork, i remember that you are united with Garfield in very close on set and off set, are you still friends on this state, and both you have play comic characters, have you talked them about that getting into that?"

Jess Eisenberg:"Eh,not specifically, that is a particulary topic, but yes, more about a coffee or something like that. but..yeah, we both do theater, and come from same performance background. When you are working with people, it is a very strange things when you are working out movie with people, and you're kind of being of time living with different cities where you guys lives. and you become very close like family. i will compare to maybe like summmer camp, or something, when summer ends, and you go back to your life, and you're only running to those people whether being a camp or randomly a few to make efforts, so it is hard to get in touching with people, normaly, when you're acting with them, if it this heighten sense of intimacy, cause you are in a emotional place with them, and because you are away from your home or whatever it is, and yeah, you really formalise friendship, and of course it is very hard to keep it up because you end up doing different things. "

audience:"thank you."

Jess Eisenberg:"thanks,thanks a lot."

"Like summer camp and you go back to your life,


it is very hard to get in touching with people,


it is hard to keep it up because you end up doing different things."

it is very hard for us to accept the fact that you two are not close to each other anymore. well,  我的jewnicorn,其实我也明白,你们很少见面,甚至可能不再联系,只是亲耳听你回忆,抽离理性淡淡地谈及,我还是觉得很可惜,with silence and tears,for you,for destiny.


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